Return of the Mac or Perhaps the Mac Attacks!

Hey everyone!! It’s macaroni and cheese day!! As you probably have figured out by now we are obsessed with things like bacon, cheese, nachos and the like….

So let’s keep this theme going. We choose to do a macaroni and cheese day. Taking a few of our favorite things and squishing them together into something awesome. Pure awesomeness really.   Grilled cheese has not been addressed yet in our blog. I know we all have heard about some of the amazing grilled cheese food trucks out there across the country, even in Chicago there is a restaurant/bar devoted solely to booze and grilled cheese! Genius!! The one here is pretty darn good too. These creative chef’s take something already awesome and stuff even more awesomeness into the sandwiches and are making a killing! So we decided to take a stab at making some of our favorite versions and try and create our own.

We started by making a huge pot of cheese sauce and cooking up some pasta. We went with tri-color spirals just for some fun and pizzazz.


Jake has a serious addiction to chili dogs and cheese so our first creation involved Jake’s super good pork and beer chili, sliced hot dogs, cheese AND macaroni and cheese. We opted for some pretty plain white grocery store shelf bread so that we could focus on the ingredients. Buttered both sides with real butter and got to grilling! I not being a chili dog fan have to say that this was a whole lot of deliciousness.  It was so oozy and gooey it’s hard not love it!



The 2nd one we made was what we will call the Mac Attack we stuffed this one with nothing but cheese and our homemade macaroni and cheese! Simple, delicious and messy!! We make some pretty killer cheese sauce!

The 3rd and last one was another simple one. We took the Mac Attack and I know you were worried it wasn’t going to happen but… BACON! Absolutely tasty!!


So because as if those 3 sandwiches weren’t enough to clog your arteries we were feeling a little wild…so what happens when we get bored with food?? We make nachos!!!!




Yeah that’s right… you read that correctly…. we took tortilla chips and layered them with macaroni and cheese, Jake’s chili, bacon, hot dogs, and more cheese….and then probably even more cheese….




Oh yeah we put Mac and cheese on biscuits too 😋😋😋👏👏👏🙌
I strongly suggest you get into your kitchens right now and whip up some mac n cheese and get creative! We want to hear about what you make! Please share! 😀

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